For over a decade
5-10 years
2-5 years
Since the UK committed to net-zero
It's not a priority for my business
Yes - we have set a net-zero target
Yes - we have achieved an accreditation (like a Science Based Target and/or ISO 50001)
Yes - we talk about our green initiatives in our marketing
By 2025
By 2030
By 2040
By 2050
Very confident
Somewhat confident
Not confident
Brown (general grid mix including fossil fuel)
Green (renewable electricity contract)
PPA (Power purchase agreement)
Yes - we have a renewable on-site generation asset (e.g. solar panels)
Yes - we have a fossil-fuelled on-site generation asset (e.g. diesel generation)
Wind turbine
Solar PV
Heat pump
Unsure / Other
Yes - we have electric vehicles in our fleet
Yes - we offer employees charging points on business sites
Yes - we offer customer charging points on our sites
Not yet
Waste heat recovery
Battery storage
Power quality (voltage optimisation and power factor correction)
Yes, meter level only
Yes, both meter and sub-meter level
Yes, all of them
Yes, some of them
Not yet, but we will in the next year
No, and we have no plans to do so
Switching energy to a renewable supply contract
Sourcing energy from an independent renewable energy generator (e.g. PPA)
Investing in low carbon, on-site energy generation
Implementing an energy reduction plan
Encouraging behaviour change among employees
Investing in more energy efficient assets
Making small changes (e.g. installing LED lighting)
None of the above