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Home / How we help

How we help

Solutions to meet any energy and sustainabilty challenge.

Meeting your challenges

Every business requires energy to survive and thrive. But managing energy effectively has its challenges or as we refer to them as the “4Cs” of Cost, Consumption, Carbon and Compliance. 


Cost control

Energy costs have reached record highs recently, putting extreme pressure on businesses – especially those who use a lot of energy. Despite this, there are opportunities to save on your energy and even recoup money you’ve already spent to help bolster your current finances. 

Consumption efficiencies

Businesses need the right tools, processes and systems to collect, manage and optimise data effectively. We support clients to do that consistently. This leads to quicker identification of energy reduction opportunities, improved estate management and a more powerful visualisation of your consumption from board room to boiler room.

Net-zero and carbon reduction

Reaching the UK’s target to meet net-zero carbon emissions will mean halving our emissions every 10 years for the next three decades. Our solutions can help your organisation measure and reduce carbon emissions and chart an ambitious but achievable path to net-zero.

Sustainability reporting and compliance

Organisations are now under pressure to prioritise sustainability and ESG, particularly as it is now a revenue, investor, customer and supply chain critical activity. We help you organisation set and implement a coordinated response to improve environmental, social and governance (ESG) performance and achieve regulatory compliance.

Service directory

No matter what energy or sustainability challenge you are facing, we can help you.

Service areas

No matter which energy or sustainability challenge you’re facing, we can help your organisation to solve it.

Landscape view of beautiful mountains and lake

Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)

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From our insights

Targeted Charging Review: What’s happened in 2024 and what can you expect from 2025? 
Pylon at daytime.

Targeted Charging Review: What’s happened in 2024 and what can you expect from 2025? 

Over a year on after the impacts of TCR came in effect, we are examining what has been happening with these costs in 2024, and what can we expect …
Turn up the power: The rise of Corporate Power Purchase Agreements 

Turn up the power: The rise of Corporate Power Purchase Agreements 

As the latest Contracts for Difference (CfD) auction concludes, developers can also consider Corporate Power Purchase Agreements (CPPAs) as an …
Electricity and gas consumption in non-domestic buildings fell in 2022, new figures reveal 
London cityscape at daytime.

Electricity and gas consumption in non-domestic buildings fell in 2022, new figures reveal 

A new government report illustrates electricity and gas consumption and intensity of non-domestic buildings in England and Wales in 2022 and how this …