Inspired PLC
Today’s partner, for a better tomorrow
Inspired is a leading technology enabled provider of energy and sustainability solutions that allow UK and Irish businesses to transition to net-zero carbon and manage their response to climate change.
Inspired PLC is registered in England & Wales. Company Number: 07639760.
Inspired Energy Solutions Limited is a subsidiary of Inspired PLC registered in England & Wales. Company Number: 04005541.
Registered office: Inspired PLC, Calder House, St Georges Park, Kirkham, Preston, Lancashire, PR4 2DZ, United Kingdom.
The following are all trademarks of Inspired PLC which are registered in some territories:
- Inspired PLC
- Ignite Energy
- SystemsLink
- Horizon Energy Group
- Energy Management as a Service by Inspired
- Net-Zero as a Service by Inspired
- Plan.it.Zero
- We work with a number of selected suppliers when providing our services. For a list of suppliers we work with please see Our suppliers.
- Our services are either paid for by these selected suppliers when you enter into a contract with one of them in relation to your supply or by a fee agreed directly between you and ourselves.
- When authorised by you pursuant to your letter of authority we will contact our selected suppliers in order to present you with options for your selection of supplier.
- We are not your agent for the selection of supplier or for entering into your contract.
- Our income per contract varies based on market conditions at the time of entering into the contract and the specific characteristics of your consumption patterns and is only known after the contract has completed.
- We try to maximise our buying power with suppliers for the benefit of our qualifying clients. Where this is possible this benefit will be shared with the clients on 50:50 basis and you will be notified of any benefit to be received annually.
- With respect to utilities where we are paid by the supplier, as opposed to fixed fee received from you, the typical payment received from our supplier for our services average [2%] of your spend on the utility and in the event that market circumstances or the services provided result in a commission that is greater than [10%] of your total spend we will inform you.
- Once your contract has been placed we will provide a welcome pack detailing the level of any fees we will collect form the supplier.
- The fees will be based on the estimated consumption at the start of the contract each year. If your consumption varies by +/- 10% we reserve the right to provide a rebate or invoice to you (payable within 14 days) for such variance in our fees.
- In the event that you wish to know earlier in the process the level of the commission received in relation to your contract please contact your Account Manager.
- You agree that all documents produced or received by us in connection with providing our services to you are owned by us. We may agree to provide you with copies of some or all of these documents upon written request, subject to your written agreement not to disclose any such documents and/or the information contained within them to any third parties without our prior written consent. Depending on the nature of your request this may incur an administration fee.
- Liability – under no circumstances will Inspired by liable for any acts or omissions of your current or future energy supplier or for adverse market movement either before, during or after concluding a contract with a supplier.