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Compensation for the indirect costs of the renewables obligation and small scale feed-in-tariffs

Inspired claiming large rebates for Energy Intensive cients

Inspired Claiming Large Rebates for Energy Intensive Clients

Inspired Energy customers are saving over £800,000 per annum, thanks to a new scheme to incentivise UK industry.

Non-wholesale costs on electricity invoices have been spiralling in recent years, leading the government to introduce a new compensation structure.

Our charging experts identified the opportunity as soon as the scheme became operational and moved to alert all affected clients.

The scheme reimburses energy intensive users in sectors that are deemed at risk to overseas competition.

The Inspired team fully manages the claim process and the ongoing reporting requirement to ensure that qualifying clients are getting the maximum rebates available.

One customer is receiving a quarterly rebate of over £100,000.

Please contact our RO and FITs rebate specialist Jamie Tabord on 01772 689 257 or [email protected] to see if your business qualifies.