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Russia & Ukraine Reach Gas Deal

Gas transit hub Ukraine has agreed a gas supply agreement with Russia, the EU’s largest outside supplier. The announcement has resulted in relief for the rest of Europe, as it means a gas flow disruption has been successfully avoided this coming winter. Inspired Energy Risk Manager Nick Cambell spoke to Bloomberg Business, stating that the agreement “has undoubtedly […]

Gas transit hub Ukraine has agreed a gas supply agreement with Russia, the EU’s largest outside supplier.

The announcement has resulted in relief for the rest of Europe, as it means a gas flow disruption has been successfully avoided this coming winter.

Inspired Energy Risk Manager Nick Cambell spoke to Bloomberg Business, stating that the agreement “has undoubtedly eased some tension, but with the likely arrival of U.S. liquefied natural gas in the fourth quarter this year, the impact of any dispute is likely to be muted compared to past issues.”

Please visit the Bloomberg Business website to read the full article.