Proposed Secondary Placing
Inspired Energy PLC have announced that Janet Thornton, Matthew Thornton and Praetura Ventures (1) LLP and certain existing shareholders intend to offer for sale approximately 35 million existing ordinary shares (“Ordinary Shares”) of 0.125p each in the Group (“Placing Shares”), representing approximately 8.2% of the issued share capital of the Group (the “Placing”) at a price of […]
Inspired Energy PLC have announced that Janet Thornton, Matthew Thornton and Praetura Ventures (1) LLP and certain existing shareholders intend to offer for sale approximately 35 million existing ordinary shares (“Ordinary Shares”) of 0.125p each in the Group (“Placing Shares”), representing approximately 8.2% of the issued share capital of the Group (the “Placing”) at a price of 10p per Ordinary Share. The Directors will offer for sale up to 22.25 million Placing Shares representing approximately 5.23% of the issued share capital of the Group as part of the Placing.