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Is your bill validation solution ready for MHHS? 

Some of the changes Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement programme introduces show in your billing - your validation solution should keep pace.

Any changes to invoices can muddle your validation process. Although most of the work around the Market-Wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) is happening behind the scenes on the supplier side, some of the forthcoming changes will show in your billing. 

If you use a bill validation solution or a service, it’s important to ensure your invoices continue to validate effortlessly through the changes MHHS introduces.   

Why are we talking about this?

The MHHS programme marks major changes to existing metering services. This includes new roles being assigned to reflect the new services needed to deliver this industry-wide change. 

For example, businesses with half-hourly meters currently use Data Collectors (DCs), which will become an Advanced Data Service (ADS). This service sources metering data and feeds it back to the central industry systems for settlement – which reconciles the difference between how much suppliers purchase electricity and how much their customers actually use – and then to billing.

Why use a bill validation service?

Every organisation is unique in their portfolio and requirements. However, day-to-day activities alone lead to a steady stream of utility bills, often from different suppliers. 

Reviewing these invoices for accuracy is repetitious and laborious. Organisations do not always have the internal resources, industry experience or software to interrogate these invoices effectively. 

Allocating your invoice administration to an expert partner frees up your internal resource for other business priorities. With a combination of industry experience and robust software solution, any issues can be promptly identified and addressed – saving you both time and money. 

Inspired offers a rigorous bill validation service, where we scrutinise your invoices for any errors, compare them to ensure your costs reflect your consumption and pursue any refunds on your behalf.    

Our software is designed to process large volumes of utility bills promptly and precisely in any electronic format. It performs over 100 individual validation checks on every bill, using tailored tolerances to pinpoint issues. If there are any queries, our aim is to resolve them within one billing cycle to limit their impact on your future invoices. 

The MHHS marks monumental change in our electricity system, but our experts continuously monitor the latest developments to ensure an unobtrusive transition for our clients.   

How can Inspired help?

If you would like to ensure you are being charged correctly for your energy usage, our experts are here to support you. Get in touch today on 01772 689250 or email us at [email protected]