AIM Rule 26
This information was last reviewed on 5th May 2024.
With businesses facing increasing pressure on many fronts to take the issues of sustainability and ESG seriously, Inspired PLC provides expert insight and advisory services to help businesses manage their energy costs, optimise their energy consumption, reduce their carbon emissions and prove their net zero and ESG strategies to their investors and clients.
Please see our Board section for more information.
We continue to adopt the Quoted Companies Alliance (QCA) Code and its obligations to AIM Rule 26.
With the growing importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors in the investment industry and among corporates, our company aims to play a leading role in providing ESG solutions to investment firms and businesses.
Our approach to the principles outlined by the QCA is summarised here.
Inspired PLC takes its responsibility to protect human rights very seriously. We do not tolerate slavery or human trafficking in our organisation or in our supply chain. We will never knowingly deal with any organisation which is connected to slavery or human trafficking.
Inspired PLC is subject to the provisions of “The City Code on Takeovers and Mergers” in the UK.
Country of incorporation: England and Wales
Company registration number: 07639760
Main country of operation: United Kingdom
Please see Results centre for all company documents.
There are no restrictions on the transfer of ordinary shares.
The securities of the Company are traded on the AIM market operated by the London Stock Exchange PLC. Its shares have not been admitted, nor have any applications been made, for any of its shares to be admitted or traded on any other exchanges or trading platform.
AIM Securities in issue along with the identity and shareholdings of the Company’s significant shareholders is held in our Investor centre.
Please see our admission documents here: Articles of Association and Admission Document.
Please see Advisors for more information.