Climate Change and the Environment Policy
1. Statement
At Inspired PLC we believe that businesses are responsible for achieving good environmental practice and operating in a sustainable manner.
We are therefore committed to reducing our environmental impact and continually improving our environmental performance as an integral and fundamental part of our business strategy and operating methods.
We shall disclose our environmental and sustainability performance through disclosures with respect to Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) and the Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
As a business we acknowledge and accept there is a climate emergency, and we are committed to assessing the risks and opportunities of climate impacts on our business strategy, disclosing them and taking actions to minimise them.
It is our priority to encourage our customers, suppliers and all business associates to do the same. Not only is this sound commercial sense for all but it is also a matter of delivering on our duty of care towards future generations. Our policy is to:
- Wholly support and comply with or exceed the requirements of current environmental legislation and codes of practice.
- Implement improvements to reduce our waste and increase the reuse and recycling of such waste.
- Reduce energy and water usage in our buildings, vehicles and processes in order to conserve supplies, and optimise our consumption of natural resources, especially where they are non-renewable.
- Operate and maintain company vehicles (where appropriate) with due regard to environmental issues as far as reasonably practical and encourage the use of alternative means of transport such as public transport, cycling and walking to work and car sharing as appropriate.
- We promote the use of travel alternatives such as e-mail or video/phone conferencing.
- We apply the principles of continuous improvement in respect of air, water, noise and light pollution from our premises and reduce any impacts from our operations on the environment and local community.
- As far as possible we purchase products and services that do the least damage to the environment and encourage others to do likewise.
- We prioritise the use of local labour and materials where available to reduce CO2 emissions and help the community both economically and environmentally.
- Increase the use of environmentally friendly cleaning materials where possible.
- When refurbishing our offices, we aim to maximise the use of many environmentally friendly materials as possible.
- We use only licensed and appropriate organisations for waste disposal purposes.
- We assess in advance the environmental impact of any new processes or products we are considering introducing.
Approval date
1st March 2025
Next review date
1st October 2025
Approved and authorised by
Mark Dickinson
Chief Executive Officer