7 Energy efficiency hints and tips from Inspired PLC
It’s important that we all make a conscious effort to reduce our energy consumption, become more efficient and in turn reduce energy costs, which is why we’ve collated our top Energy Efficiency Hints and Tips.
It’s important that we all make a conscious effort to reduce our energy consumption, become more efficient and in turn reduce energy costs, which is why we’ve collated our top Energy Efficiency Hints and Tips.
Businesses across the UK are now working towards reaching the UK’s 2050 Net-Zero goal set by government. Reducing carbon emissions and becoming more sustainable is a key part in businesses role in reaching net-zero. Whilst many businesses are already on the way with their decarbonisation strategies, there is still more that can be done. Let’s jump into the hints and tips.
Turn down the heat
Buildings typically consume a large amount of energy through heating, particularly over winter. Many heating systems are powered by either natural gas, oil, electricity, wood and propane; most of which not only are not energy efficient but generate a large amount of carbon emissions.
Switching to a cleaner source of heat and turning down the heat even by just a few degrees can make a significant impact on energy costs.
Upgrade heating and cooling systems
You may also have a heating and cooling system in your building which consumes a large amount of energy. Overheating will waste energy and run up your energy bill in the process. Make use of timers on your heating and cooling systems to ensure you aren’t using energy when unnecessary such as during closing hours.
Monitoring and targeting
Without understanding what energy you’re consuming, you can’t make any informed decisions about how or where to place your energy efficiency efforts. Collecting and monitoring your energy consumption and setting targets for energy reduction is the first step in reducing energy costs and identifying any areas of concern.
Invest in on-site generation
On-site generation can be a powerful asset to your business and retrofitting and installing solar PV can help further reduce energy consumption, and cost. On-site generation is a great source of renewable energy that can improve your businesses energy efficiency and reduce reliance on the grid.
Make the switch to LEDs
Switching to LED lighting throughout your buildings are a quick and easy way to reduce electricity costs by as much as 90%. LEDs also have a significantly longer lifespan than traditional halogen bulbs, often ten to twelve times greater. This means less maintenance and less disruption for your business.
Properly insulate your building
Ensuring your buildings are properly insulated can bolster your businesses energy efficiency. Insulating outer walls, ceilings and floors could generate savings of up to 35% and improve noise levels.
Conduct regular maintenance
Conducting regular maintenance throughout your buildings, ensuring heating and cooling systems are working correctly, doors and windows are secure, lighting sensors and timers are working as
they should, and a regular energy audit is conducted to continue to optimise and reduce energy costs.
Download a copy of our Energy Efficiency Tips here

These hints and tips will help to improve your business’ energy efficiency but other more impactful energy measures you can take, you may want more support with. Working with an expert energy and sustainability consultancy you can get ahead of your decarbonisation.
Get in touch today on 01772 689250 or email [email protected].