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Inspired’s Nick Campbell featured in latest Bloomberg news article

Inspired’s Nick Campbell featured in latest Bloomberg news article

U.K. natural gas dropped to the lowest level since August 2011 as warmer weather reduced demand for heating and storage after the mildest winter in …

Inspired’s Nick Campbell featured in latest Bloomberg news article
Inspired PLC - buildings lit up at night

Inspired’s Nick Campbell featured in latest Bloomberg news article

U.K. natural gas dropped to the lowest level since August 2011 as warmer weather reduced demand for heating and storage after the mildest winter in …

Inspired Energy PLC supports brain tumour research
Inspired PLC sign

Inspired Energy PLC supports brain tumour research

Today the Inspired Energy PLC team have donned their hats in support of the UK’s official Wear A Hat Day 2014. The fundraising campaign, created by …

Inspired Energy PLC Issue of Equity March 2014

Inspired Energy PLC Issue of Equity March 2014

Inspired Energy PLC today announced that it had made an application to the London Stock Exchange for the admission to trading on AIM of 929,648 new …

Record results for Inspired Energy PLC

Record results for Inspired Energy PLC

Following a record period of sales, Inspired Energy PLC are delighted to report a 45 per cent increase in revenue for 2013 to £7.62m, up from £5.26m…

Notice of Final Results Y/E December 2013

Notice of Final Results Y/E December 2013

Inspired Energy PLC have made public their financial results for the year ending 31st December 2013. “2013 was a stellar year for Inspired, one …

Risk Management Team Market Update

Risk Management Team Market Update

Market Overview Forward electricity and gas prices retraced their earlier gains in the month this week after a softening fuels complex and dissipating…

Carbon floor price to be frozen from April 2016

Carbon floor price to be frozen from April 2016

Wednesday’s budget revealed, as predicted, that the Carbon Floor Price would be frozen from April 2016 at £18.08/tCO2 until the end of decade. The …

Acquisitions of SME businesses and issue of shares

Acquisitions of SME businesses and issue of shares

Inspired Energy PLC are delighted to announce their successful acquisition of two complimentary SME businesses. The businesses, Simply Business Energy…