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Data Insights

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) & the Internet of Energy (IoE) are driving innovation ​in the energy industry

How Artificial Intelligence (AI) & the Internet of Energy (IoE) are driving innovation ​in the energy industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and the Internet of Energy (IoE) are at the forefront of energy innovation and should be embraced by businesses….

How can data centres get involved in Balancing Services (Demand Side Response)?

How can data centres get involved in Balancing Services (Demand Side Response)?

Data Centres are one of the most energy intensive businesses and account for around 300 Mt CO2e per year, which is around 1 per cent of global …

Using energy data management to help offset operational costs for manufacturers

Using energy data management to help offset operational costs for manufacturers

In this article we will explore the challenges many businesses and especially manufacturers face as well as the solutions that can overcome these …

How data centres are helping to innovate in the healthcare sector

How data centres are helping to innovate in the healthcare sector

How are data centres helping to drive innovation within the healthcare sector?…

Data: The backbone of your net-zero strategy
energy data infographic

Data: The backbone of your net-zero strategy

Without the ability to precisely measure your energy usage and associated emissions, how can you begin to manage them?…

SECR reporting: should you include Scope 3?

SECR reporting: should you include Scope 3?

Why would any business choose to go beyond their reporting requirements? …

Targeted Charging Review (TCR) | What data centres need to know
Pylon and blue skies

Targeted Charging Review (TCR) | What data centres need to know

Here’s everything Data Centres need to know about the Targeted Charging Review. …

Could your optimum route to net-zero lie in your data?
Road running through brightly coloured trees, forest

Could your optimum route to net-zero lie in your data?

If you are striving to create the best net-zero plan for your business, be sure to use your data to……

Top four tips on using data to refine your risk management strategy
energy data graph

Top four tips on using data to refine your risk management strategy

When reviewing your risk management strategy, our experts recommend that you……

SECR: Choosing a carbon intensity ratio

SECR: Choosing a carbon intensity ratio

Here’s some inspiration on how to choose a carbon intensity ratio for SECR. …