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Compliant procurement frameworks

Compliant solutions to purchase utilities and save money

Public sector organisations can use a range of legally compliant frameworks to purchase electricity, natural gas and other utilities. Using these frameworks helps your organisation to manage and reduce risk when spending public money.

The government recommends that public sector organisations adopt aggregated, flexible and risk-managed energy procurement. We offer a range of compliant frameworks, including gas, electricity and water to save your organisation time, achieve best practice and demonstrate value-for-money through utilities procurement.

Protecting you against price shocks

A flexible contract gives you complete visibility over the various supplier and industry costs, as well as the raw cost of your gas and electricity. And because you’re purchasing directly from the wholesale market, you can be sure that you’re getting the best price available.

Flexible procurement helps reduce premiums across both commodity and non-commodity costs. Although fixed-price contracts give you budget certainty, the contract price has a risk premium built in to protect suppliers from unexpected market movements.

Flexible purchasing means that you can buy energy over a longer period and have more opportunity to benefit from bearish markets. You don’t need to lock high prices in for a lengthy period. Instead, you can purchase energy in smaller tranches and spread the risk throughout the year.


Frameworks for all your utilities needs

Our range of compliant framework agreements include:

  • Single supplier gas framework
  • Single supplier electricity framework
  • Multi supplier gas and electricity framework
  • Water and wastewater procurement DPS in England and Wales
  • Water and wastewater procurement DPS in Scotland

Why Inspired

The advantages of choosing an Inspired compliant framework include:

  • Dedicated Account Manager specialising in public sector procurement.
  • Public Contract Regulation (PCR) Compliant providing assurance you meet your regulatory obligations.
  • Integrated Service Provision to allow you to take a holistic approach to energy and water accounting services, such as bill validation and portfolio management.
  • Market regulation and policy insights to keep you fully appraised of changes, allowing you to futureproof against risks.

Case studies

Learn how we supported our clients in exploring compliant procurement frameworks.


PA Housing

Link to PA Housing

United Learning

Link to United Learning

Talk to an expert

We understand the challenges and opportunities facing public sector energy organisations. By partnering with Inspired, you can access single supplier and multi-supplier compliant framework agreements, adopt a tailored risk management strategy and receive energy accounting services to help your organisation to cut spending, waste and carbon emissions.

Rob Clark
Rob Clark
Client Services Director: Public Services

“Framework agreements make it easier for public sector bodies to comply with procurement directives while also benefiting from enhanced purchasing power.”

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