
What’s the best approach to renewable energy procurement for my business?
With a push for businesses to decarbonise and reach the UK Government’s net zero goal by 2050, many are looking to renewable energy procurement to …

Targeted Charging Review: Here’s what you need to know
Ofgem’s Targeted Charging Review (TCR) will be changing from April 2022 and the rates you pay for your energy may be impacted by these changes….

Could your organisation benefit from an energy audit?
With energy costs rising, and increasing pressure from stakeholders for businesses to reduce their carbon footprint, it’s never been more important …

Data centres’ race to net-zero
Data centre demand will continue to grow as our reliance on technology expands. With that increased demand also comes the challenge of tackling net …

Are net-zero striving businesses falling at the first hurdle?
Are businesses doing enough now, to meet self-imposed targets as well as the UK’s 2050 net zero target?…

The last Triads
Last April, Ofgem announced that it was delaying the end of Triad avoidance until 2022….

SECR deadline – Is your business prepared?
The Streamlined Energy & Carbon Reporting (SECR) deadline is fast approaching for many qualifying UK businesses. SECR compliance is compulsory, but …

Should solar PV be a factor in your energy strategy?
If your business is interested in generating its own electricity, solar PV panels can offer many benefits – but there are also some key areas you must…

Energy procurement in 2022 | Q1
Here’s a summary from our energy experts on what to expect in the energy market for Q1….