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Beyond net-zero: what does it take to become carbon negative?

Beyond net-zero: what does it take to become carbon negative?

We’ve already seen some organisations set some increasingly ambitious climate targets over the past few months, and many of those businesses are now …

What is COP26? Here’s what you need to know
UN Climate Change Conference 2021 (COP)

What is COP26? Here’s what you need to know

What is COP26? We explain what COP26 is and how it can help in the fight against climate change and how countries plan to tackle it….

Inspired launches COP26 Insights Hub for businesses
What is COP26

Inspired launches COP26 Insights Hub for businesses

Inspired is launching its COP26 Insights Hub with a range of new resources to help businesses better understand how the announcements made at the …

SECR reporting: should you include Scope 3?

SECR reporting: should you include Scope 3?

Why would any business choose to go beyond their reporting requirements? …

Energy contract renewal due? Advice from our procurement experts
inspired plc staff working in head office

Energy contract renewal due? Advice from our procurement experts

We asked our procurement experts to provide you with their top tips for renewing your contract with confidence….

UK gas shortage: The impact on prices, market and supplier risk
Wind turbines and solar panels

UK gas shortage: The impact on prices, market and supplier risk

What’s happening in global energy markets?…

Unprecedented Energy Market Price Volatility
energy data graph

Unprecedented Energy Market Price Volatility

Inspired’s Market Analyst comments on the market changes….

Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) – Phase 3: Everything you need to know

Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) – Phase 3: Everything you need to know

Managed by Salix, Phase 3 of the PSDS will take a similar approach to Phase 2, with the main objective to support low carbon heating in public sector …

Targeted Charging Review (TCR) | What data centres need to know
Pylon and blue skies

Targeted Charging Review (TCR) | What data centres need to know

Here’s everything Data Centres need to know about the Targeted Charging Review. …