
Targeted Charging Review – An Update

Targeted Charging Review – An Update

In their 2018 Targeted Charging Review (TCR), Ofgem outlined its plans to reform the residual element of transmission and distribution network …

Four opportunities that SECR can bring to your business

Four opportunities that SECR can bring to your business

Introduced in April 2019, Streamlined Energy and Carbon Reporting (SECR) requires qualifying businesses to report annually on their electricity, gas, …

Triad Alerts: Prepare for peaks in demand while you can
Pylon at sunset

Triad Alerts: Prepare for peaks in demand while you can

Please note: The information in this article is dated October 2020 and Ofgem has released further updates to the Targeted Charging Review (TCR) and …

The COVID-19 impact on the energy market – an update

The COVID-19 impact on the energy market – an update

Back in June, we discussed the effects of COVID-19 on our energy market – from the initial drop in demand when lockdown commenced in March, to …

Corporate Power Purchase Agreements: Supporting your Journey to Net-Zero
Pylons, grass and solar panels

Corporate Power Purchase Agreements: Supporting your Journey to Net-Zero

At Inspired Energy, we’re committed to helping businesses achieve their net-zero targets, acting as the dedicated sustainability advisor for a …

Taking a smarter approach to utility management
hand with lightbulb

Taking a smarter approach to utility management

Utility Management for a large organisation is not a straightforward task, as any energy professional will tell you. And in the coming months and …

It’s Time to Take Control of Your Energy Consumption

It’s Time to Take Control of Your Energy Consumption

How well are you interrogating your data? Many businesses are now collecting half hourly (HH) energy data as standard – and depending on the size of …

What Does the CCA Extension Mean for Current Scheme Members?

What Does the CCA Extension Mean for Current Scheme Members?

The announcement earlier this year that the Climate Change Agreement (CCA) scheme is set to be extended following consultation, will no doubt come as …

Climate Change Agreement Scheme Reopens – Businesses Must Act Now

Climate Change Agreement Scheme Reopens – Businesses Must Act Now

Updated 21st December 2021 Businesses are buckling under the strain of COVID uncertainty, operational cost impacts and soaring energy costs. The …

Finding flexibility in your energy strategy
Sunset and pylons

Finding flexibility in your energy strategy

When we talk about flexibility in relation to energy, we often think about areas like demand-side response and flexible procurement. But as our energy…