

COP26 President Alok Sharma calls for urgent climate action ahead of COP27

COP26 President Alok Sharma calls for urgent climate action ahead of COP27

Ahead of COP27 later this year, COP26 President Alok Sharma will travel to New York to represent the UK government….

How recycling and sustainability can increase employee happiness | Recycle Week

How recycling and sustainability can increase employee happiness | Recycle Week

Businesses from all over the UK are getting involved in highlighting the importance of recycling; but how can recycling and sustainability increase …

ICYMI: Decarbonising Transport LinkedIn Live
light trails on motorway

ICYMI: Decarbonising Transport LinkedIn Live

Our experts hosted a LinkedIn live-streamed session to answer your questions around transportation and what businesses can do to decarbonise and meet …

ICYMI: COP26 Energy Day Live Q&A
Pylons at night

ICYMI: COP26 Energy Day Live Q&A

If you missed it, read on for the questions and answers that were asked on the day….

Did COP26 achieve its goals?
United nationals climate change conference

Did COP26 achieve its goals?

Leaders arrived in Glasgow with four key goals – but were they successful in reaching them? …

COP26 week two: what we know (so far)
COP 26

COP26 week two: what we know (so far)

While we wait for the publication of the final agreement, here’s what our experts have to say about what’s been happening at COP26 this week, and …

Eco Cities – The future of the built environment
Modern apartment complex

Eco Cities – The future of the built environment

Eco cities aren’t exactly a new concept, but with many countries searching to find ways to balance our need for buildings and to support the natural…

Decarbonising transport: Driving towards a net-zero future

Decarbonising transport: Driving towards a net-zero future

Decarbonising transportation is vital in tackling climate change and reaching our net-zero targets….

Up and coming technologies that could change the world
Wind turbines in water

Up and coming technologies that could change the world

Technology is at the heart of solving the climate crisis so we’re exploring a few up-and-coming technologies that could change the world….

The Generation Mix to support the road to net-zero | Part 2
Pylons and energy data

The Generation Mix to support the road to net-zero | Part 2

In this second part, we will cover how we can reduce carbon emissions of the energy sources we will still need….