
Three reasons why your business’s energy bills are so high
Man using calculator and billing receipts

Three reasons why your business’s energy bills are so high

Just because costs are rising doesn’t mean businesses can’t take control of their energy bills – it’s time to take action….

Is Africa the new hot spot for Data Centres?
energy data storage

Is Africa the new hot spot for Data Centres?

Why choose Africa for your next data centre……

The UK’s Hydrogen Strategy – here’s what you need to know 

The UK’s Hydrogen Strategy – here’s what you need to know 

Here are the facts and figures of the UK’s Hydrogen Strategy and everything you need to know. …

Could your business benefit from battery storage?
Solar panels and wind turbines in background

Could your business benefit from battery storage?

Here’s how investing in battery storage could help your business….

Reducing energy costs & carbon emissions for Housing Associations

Reducing energy costs & carbon emissions for Housing Associations

We recently held our Reducing Energy Costs & Carbon Emissions for Housing Associations webinar in partnership with PfH….

5 things to consider before installing EV charge points on site

5 things to consider before installing EV charge points on site

If your business is thinking about investing in EV charging points, however, there are a few questions you should consider before you make any …

Find your flexibility now to support our transition to a cleaner energy future
Pylons, wind turbines and solar panels

Find your flexibility now to support our transition to a cleaner energy future

New research by the Carbon Trust has revealed that a fully flexible energy system could cut the cost of the UK reaching net-zero by £16.7bn by 2050….

The heat is on: how can businesses tackle their heating emissions?
meter readings

The heat is on: how can businesses tackle their heating emissions?

Those who are aiming for net-zero need to act now to reduce their heating emissions….

How is COVID-19 impacting UK energy prices?
energy data graph infographic

How is COVID-19 impacting UK energy prices?

What’s been happening in the market and how businesses can prepare for future price changes. …

5 myths about levy exemption, busted

5 myths about levy exemption, busted

Here we aim to explain the facts about environmental levy exemption by busting the most common myths….