Decarbonising transport: Driving towards a net-zero future

Decarbonising transport: Driving towards a net-zero future

Decarbonising transportation is vital in tackling climate change and reaching our net-zero targets….

Up and coming technologies that could change the world
Wind turbines in water

Up and coming technologies that could change the world

Technology is at the heart of solving the climate crisis so we’re exploring a few up-and-coming technologies that could change the world….

The Generation Mix to support the road to net-zero | Part 2
Pylons and energy data

The Generation Mix to support the road to net-zero | Part 2

In this second part, we will cover how we can reduce carbon emissions of the energy sources we will still need….

The adoption of renewable technology

The adoption of renewable technology

As the environment becomes more endangered to the effects of climate change, there is an increasing sense of urgency for engineers and scientists to …

Data: The backbone of your net-zero strategy
energy data infographic

Data: The backbone of your net-zero strategy

Without the ability to precisely measure your energy usage and associated emissions, how can you begin to manage them?…

Celebrating women in the energy industry
Inspired PLC staff at desk working

Celebrating women in the energy industry

We spoke to women from across the entire organisation to ask their thoughts and opinions on what it’s like to work in the energy industry….

The future of energy & technology | Part 1
Planet earth

The future of energy & technology | Part 1

In this article we explore the future of energy and the technologies that could help achieve our net-zero goal….

Expert insights from week one of COP26
COP 26

Expert insights from week one of COP26

We asked our experts to explain the key events of the week and what they could mean for your organisation….

Water conservation: The importance of reducing your business’ water usage
Water droplet

Water conservation: The importance of reducing your business’ water usage

3 billion litres of water is lost to leaks every day in England and Wales. Here’s 6 ways to reduce your water consumption and save money. …

Net-zero – Driving the next generation
Climate change protesters

Net-zero – Driving the next generation

We spoke to some of our very own graduates here at Inspired to learn their views and opinions on climate change and what they do or would like to do …