A day in the life
Want to know more about working at Inspired?
As a Business Development Manager in the Technical Services (TS) team, my role is to understand the customer’s requirements and find the right solution for them.
I’ll liaise directly with the customer and internally with Account Managers and Optimisation Managers to determine the requirements. I’ll work with the TS team to create the right solution and deliver suitable Solar PV/Thermal, Heat Pump/Recovery, Biomass Boiler and other sustainable product propositions. Because these systems are not always that easy to understand, I also spend time explaining the technology, the designs and what options there might be.
I have NEVER worked within such an incredible team – a team where everyone pulls in the same direction. This is only possible by having a small carefully selected group if individuals each with different skillsets, but ALL with the same attitude and mentality. Wrap that up in a PLC cloak (systems, processes and leadership) and I have the benefit of both worlds – a small team within a big business.
Before joining Inspired, I had spent my entire sales career in IT. A fast-paced world of bigger, faster, better, cheaper, cleverer, instant-on and all-consuming technology. There are lots of people who have “moments” in their lives, and I had one of those in the run up to a big birthday. I wondered what my legacy of bigger, better, faster, more flashing lights would be.
The progression and advancement of technology? Not really – I only sold the stuff. Granted, I had enjoyed the exponential growth of IT during the 90’s and beyond, but the industry is now awash with companies trying to manage the churn of technology, swapping out old for new. For me, the excitement had gone. The next big thing to me was Renewables and this perfectly suited my newfound desire to leave a legacy. I’d helped technology get bigger, better, faster, had deployed it across the world and had helped drive huge energy consumption.
Now I’m in the position of allowing that technology to meet its consumption demand in a sustainable way. In some ways it’s just another technology, but I don’t think of it that way.
“Nobody cares – work harder”. After all, I am in Sales.
Family is really important to me. A close second is food – Eating, cooking, learning, entertaining – everything about it is fun for me. Food overtook sport in importance because I watch more sport than I play these days. My idea of heaven would be a long family dog walk that ends at a pub with a massive Sunday roast.