A day in the life
Want to know more about working at Inspired?
I work in the Business Development team as a Business Development Manager for Strategic Accounts. I was with Inprova Energy, which became E&CM, which then became a part of the Inspired group. Most of the new business projects I work on feed into the Public Services team, when they turn into sales that is 😊.
Our success over the last year has included bringing on eight new Assurance clients from the social housing sector, along with others in the education and third sector. Around ten new ESOS clients have also been brought on board, along with a few SECR and Heat Decarbonisation clients.
The role is very varied, so you never get bored doing the same old thing every day! I also enjoy meeting a prospective new client for the first time. Then when they sign a contract, it’s good to know our company will look after them well.
I came into the industry about fifteen years ago, just by a chance really! I’d worked in the fleet management sector for a long time in a sales role, then had my own retail business for a few years. Then I was an estate agent for a couple of years, then came energy.
“If you’re not going to win, get out early” is a good one I always remember. I suppose this means rather than wasting time on a project which isn’t likely to have a positive outcome then move on as soon as you can.
Another good one is “end on a high”! The definition of insanity by Einstein, doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results, is another great motivator for changing what you do to improve yourself.
I live in Sunderland in the North East with my family; husband, daughter and dog. I like walking and exercise and have walked up Ben Nevis, Snowdon and Scafell Pike over the last 18 months. I’m proud to say I won a ‘who could do the most skips in one minute’-competition at my gym last November (I also beat the trainers! 😊). I’ve just taken up yoga and my current challenge is to be able to do Crow pose, which might take some time!