A day in the life
Want to know more about working at Inspired?
Each day varies in my role. I engage with my clients to understand what their energy needs and aspirations are and what market opportunities could benefit them best.
My particular focus is on reducing their costs or optimising their energy use. In the past year, this has been through the lens of Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS).
I want to understand each client and speak to them on a regular basis to receive data, work out what their needs and how we can tailor our services to benefit them as much as possible.
The Optimisation team is a lovely team to work with. Everyone is very helpful, and the managers are wonderful.
I enjoy bringing complex data and information from engineers and maintenance teams and transcribing it for clients who aren’t as familiar with the industry. Making the complex understandable and less daunting daily is rewarding and creates value for the client. I also find it rewarding that my work contributes towards societal effort to lower carbon emissions.
I’m quite new to the energy industry. I worked in the film industry for 15 years, working with distributors and looking for films to premiere.
But I wanted to do something different. I watched a documentary on water pollution, and it struck a chord with me. I got angry and I left the film wanting to do something in that field.
I started looking into courses on lowering carbon and energy transition and ended up doing a Masters in Carbon Management in Edinburgh University. After graduating I was an Account Manager in charity which specialised in international development before working at a demand side response company for a couple of years before joining Inspired.
I enjoy my role at Inspired, my role is very client-focused which I enjoy.
“Put yourself outside of your comfort zone. Persevere.”
I try to do that at work, get outside my comfort zone.
I have a lot of hobbies: I play the saxophone, snowboard and study Spanish. I’m very social and love being creative with other people present, so I recently joined a life drawing class held in Spanish!
After leaving the industry I still enjoy watching films: My favourites are Casablanca and the Lord of the Rings. They both tell the greatest stories in worlds completely different to our own while combining stunning music, cinematography and screenwriting.